Welcome to the home page of the Western Province Greens Care Committee. The Greens Care Standing Committee has a wealth of experience when it comes to maintaining and improving your greens. They regularly produce newsletters with advice and information which is invaluable to anyone who has an interest in keeping their greens in perfect condition.
The committee meets monthly at 10:00 at various venues throughout our district. Green keepers are welcome to attend these meetings, particularly when they are in your vicinity. Green keepers can contact Trevor Wheeler or Vernon Dryden to find out the dates and venues for these meetings.
WhatsApp Group
There is also a very useful WhatsApp facility for Green keepers and any other Club members who may be interested in sharing ideas and asking questions regarding greens maintenance. If you wish to join this group, contact Vernon Dryden.
One Stop Resource
This web page provides links to other pages that contain information that is designed to assist our Green keepers in their day to day duties ensuring that our affiliated clubs have the best greens possible for their members. The information will be updated from time to time and it is hoped that in time this will become a one stop source of information that will help both experienced and inexperienced Green keepers.
The website uses material drawn from the expertise of Dr. Charles Louw and Brian Hart, set out in their various publications. In addition, we appreciate work undertaken by Ron Cubitt, helped by Vlam Basson and Bill McCarthy in producing the levels worksheet which has now been adopted by Bowls South Africa.